Letters to the Editor

February 26, 2004
Dear Mr. Hampton,
Please find below an open letter to Premier McGuinty which was forwarded to his office and local media in the "City" of Kawartha Lakes yesterday.  On October 23, 2001 you read and signed the petition calling for deamalgamation of the City of Kawartha Lakes in the legislature.  On February 19th of this year,  John Gerretson announced that the Liberal government would refuse to honour the majority vote in last fall's referendum calling for the de-amalgamation of our "city".  Will you please continue your support in this cause by questioning Mr. McGuinty on his government's shameful decision.
Aside from fact that it is an affront to the most basic premise of democracy, majority rule, it also represents a complete reversal of the very well-documented position that both men took while in opposition.  It is one more broken promise by the Liberals, and you can hang them with their own words.  (Hansard from '97 through '01 is full of some wonderful material.)   McGuinty promised (in writing) to honour the referendum results. Now, when he actually has the power fulfill that promise, he's wringing his hands and pointing fingers of blame instead of honouring his word.  As I said, shameful.
Furthermore, three sitting Liberal MPP's, including the Chief Govt. Whip and the Minister of Tourism & Recreation, also read and signed the petition calling for deamalgamation in the legislature.

Jim Bradley also read and signed it twice (May 28 and October 23, 2001) stating, "I affix my signature; I'm in complete agreement."
Mike Colle read and signed it twice (May 16 and October 11, 2001) and said,  "I'm proud to stand here with the fabulous people of Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon to read this wonderful petition about Victoria county...  I am proud to affix my name to this petition and stand proud with the citizens of Victoria county."
Could you ask these gentlemen where their principles have gone?
Please help  to ensure that this hypocrisy is exposed for the embarrassment that it should be to McGuinty government.

T.J. W

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