Referendum News
July 26, 2004 Lindsay, ON
The Red Casket Relay kicks off, with a visit to our own (silent, PC) Haliburton-Victoria-Brock MPP Laurie Scott
- July 3, 2004: Picton, ON
VOCO's red casket joins the Rural Revolution weekend rally at Picton, Ont.
- June 9, 2004, Queen's Park, Toronto
The red casket joins the No More Lies Rally to commemorate McGuinty Lie #201: "democratic renewal".
- May 27, 2004:
Frank Klees, MPP endorses the VOCO petition. Sign Mr. Klees Taxpayer Protextion petition here
- May 24, 2004: Ottawa, ON
VOCO's red casket with the Rural Revolution at the Ottawa Tulip Festival
- May 15, 2004: Rockton, ON
De-amalgamation Networking Conference concludes with the formation of the Ontario De-amalgamation Network
- March 24, 2004: Funeral for Democracy, Queen's Park
After two VOCO trips to Queen's Park this past week, both Dalton McGuinty and the local press now must know that, in spite of their best efforts to kill it along with Democracy, the de-amalgamation movement is alive and well and spreading across Ontario.
Full story
- February 25, 2004:: McGuinty’s De-Amalgamation Denial Doesn’t Hold Water (Paul Pagnuelo's Tax Talk) McGuinty's math: 27% tax increase is unthinkable, but 104% increase due to amalgamation was acceptable.
- February 19, 2004:: Another broken promise:
Minister of Municipal Affairs Minister John Gerretsen arrived in Lindsay to deliver a letter to Mayor Kelly. The mayor asked him to present the letter in person to Council, as they were sitting at the time. His decision: the government would not consider de-amalgamation "at this time". The letter made no mention of the referendum! After about 15 minues, Mr. Gerretsen left the Council Chamber, with several Councillors' questions unanswered.
- February 6, 2004: McGuinty on democracy
McGuinty & Gerretsen on democracy, referenda and amalgamation (Hansard). Before coming to power, Minister of Municipal Affairs criticized the province's municipal mergers.
- February 6, 2004:Yes! Campaign predicts minister will ok de-amalgamation
- January 23, 2004: Premier faces first test of his commitment to democratic renewal
Premier reminded of his belief in local democracy: closed door meeting on de-amalgamation vote a bad start!
- January 15, 2004:Gerretsen "retreats":
MPP John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs, has rescheduled his meeting with City of Kawartha Lakes Council to 3 pm January 23rd.
- December 30, 2003: Premier gets reminder of de-amalgamation undertaking
Voters Expect Promise To Be On McGuinty’s New Year’s Resolution List
- November 10, 2003: YES! wins Referendum results
- October 4, 2003: Grand Finale Rally
- September 1, 2003:
Cameron signs returned
- August 22, 2003:
YES! signs go missing
- August 2003: YES! Referendum signs go up:
 Hwy 7 east of Oakwood
Hwy 36 near Lindsay landfill
- May 24, 2003:
Free Flamborough ready to roll (The Cambridge Reporter).
VOCO and VCTC join Flamborough supporters at Rockton town hall meeting.
`Yes’ Force Ready For Historic Restructuring Referendum
...full story
Sacrificed on altar of fiscal equality Bogus reason for mergers
by Peter Trent
Evidence Shows Mergers Are Wrong Way To Go
...full story
a Peter Trent
Former Mayor of the City of Westmount, Quebec, 1991 –2001
a Andrew Sancton
Professor of Political Science, University of Western Ontario
Author of Merger Mania, The Assault on Local Government
a John Sewell
Former Mayor of the (old) City of Toronto, 1979 – 1980.
R.O.C.K. (Responsible Organization of Chatham-Kent)
offers support
...full story
Voters Want Out of Mega City, Mega Mess
...full story